- Seme Framework
- version 4.0.3
- Requirements
- Download & Install
- Configuration
- Tutorials
- URI Routing
- Constants
- Global Variables
- Model
- View
- Controller
- cdn_url
- config
- constructor
- getAdditional
- getAdditionalBefore
- getAdditionalAfter
- getAuthor
- getCanonical
- getContentLanguage
- getDescription
- getIcon
- getJsContent
- getJsFooter
- getJsReady
- getKey
- getKeyword
- getLang
- getRobots
- getShortcutIcon
- getThemeElement
- getTitle
- input
- lib
- load
- loadCss
- loadLayout
- putThemeContent
- putJsContent
- putJsFooter
- putJsReady
- putThemeContent
- render
- resetThemeContent
- session
- setAuthor
- setCanonical
- setContentLanguage
- setDescription
- setIcon
- setKey
- setKeyword
- setLang
- setShortcutIcon
- setTheme
- setTitle
- Library
- CLI (command line interface)
- Core
- Issue
- Deployment
Basic API
Application Programming Interface (API) usually built by developer for bridging frontend and backend.
Seme Framework has functionality that can support for building API.
In this tutorial you will learn about how to:
- Setup the json output using library.
- Create core controller for reusable function.
- Collect and input from form data and URI request.
- Do the Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete (CRUD) process to database.
- Test the API.
For best result of this tutorial, you have to setup or installed the followings item:
- Running Apache and MySQL
- An IDE or Text Editor
- A Browser
- Completed the first tutorial
- Completed the Get Data tutorial
Okay, lets get started!
The Structure
Before we proceed to coding phase, we have to learn about the directory and api result structure that we used to building the API.
Directory Structure
Here is the structure that we have to use.
- app
-- controller
--- api
---- home.php
---- apikey.php
-- model
--- api
---- a_apikey_model.php
We have to separated controller and the model too for avoiding mistake by add new directory to model and controller.
API response structure
There is many standard format for API response structure, but we use the most basic API structure on this tutorial.
"status": 200,
"message": "Success",
"data": []
Coding Phase
After understranding the structure, its time to implement the codes.
Create the default API
First thing first we have to create default API response for test basic functionality and basic api result structure.
Create new directory under app/controller/
named api
and then create a file named home.php
class Home extends SENE_Controller
public function __construct()
$this->lib("sene_json_engine", "json");
public function index(){
$data = array();
$data['status'] = 404;
$data['message'] = 'Not found';
$data['data'] = array();
To test the functionality, just open http://localhost/seme_framework/api/
Create the model
We have to create the model for communicating between PHP Server and Database server.
Create new directory under model
named api
, and then create a file named a_apikey_model.php
In the model we have to add some method such as insert, update, delete, get by id, get all data.
class A_ApiKey_Model extends SENE_Model
public $tbl = 'a_apikey';
public $tbl_as = 'ak';
public function __construct()
$this->db->from($this->tbl, $this->tbl_as);
* Start transaction
* @return boolean 1 success, false failed
public function trans_start()
$r = $this->db->autocommit(0);
if ($r) {
return $this->db->begin();
return false;
* Commit transaction
* @return boolean 1 success, false failed
public function trans_commit()
return $this->db->commit();
* Rollback transaction
* @return boolean 1 success, false failed
public function trans_rollback()
return $this->db->rollback();
* Close / End transaction
* @return boolean 1 success, false failed
public function trans_end()
return $this->db->autocommit(1);
* get last ID before insert
* @param int $nation_code Nation Code or Country Code
* @return int last id, 0 failed
public function getLastId($nation_code)
$this->db->select_as("COALESCE(MAX($this->tbl_as.id),0)+1", "last_id", 0);
$this->db->from($this->tbl, $this->tbl_as);
$this->db->where("nation_code", $nation_code);
$d = $this->db->get_first('', 0);
if (isset($d->last_id)) {
return $d->last_id;
return 0;
* Insert data to a table row
* @param array $di key value pair for inserting data to a table
* @return boolean 1 success, false failed
public function set($di)
return $this->db->insert($this->tbl, $di);
* Update data in a table row
* @param array $nation_code Nation Code or Country Code
* @param array $id ID from a table
* @return boolean 1 success, false failed
public function update($nation_code, $id, $du)
$this->db->where('nation_code', $nation_code);
$this->db->where('id', $id);
return $this->db->update($this->tbl, $du);
* Delete data in a table row
* @param array $nation_code Nation Code or Country Code
* @param array $id ID from a table
* @return boolean 1 success, false failed
public function del($nation_code, $id)
$this->db->where('nation_code', $nation_code);
$this->db->where('id', $id);
return $this->db->delete($this->tbl);
* Retrieve all rows
* @return array Array of object
public function get()
return $this->db->get();
* [getById description]
* @param int $nation_code Nation Code or Country Code
* @param int $id ID from a table
* @return object Success if return Single row data object, otherwise return empty object
public function getById($nation_code,$id)
$this->db->where('nation_code', $nation_code);
$this->db->where('id', $id);
return $this->db->get_first();
Create the controller for apikey
After create model, now we have to create controller for CRUD.
class ApiKey extends SENE_Controller
public function __construct()
$this->load("a_apikey_model", "aakm");
$this->lib("sene_json_engine", "json");
public function index(){
$data = array();
$data['status'] = 200;
$data['message'] = 'Success';
$data['data'] = $this->aakm->get();
public function detail($id){
$data = array();
$id = (int) $id;
$data['status'] = 800;
$data['message'] = 'invalid ID';
$aakm = $this->aakm->getById($id);
$data['status'] = 804;
$data['message'] = 'Data with supplied ID not found';
$data['status'] = 200;
$data['message'] = 'Success';
$data['data'] = $aakm;
public function create(){
$data = array();
$data['status'] = 549;
$data['message'] = 'one or more parameter are required';
$data['data'] = array();
//collect input
$nation_code = $this->input->post('nation_code');
$code = $this->input->post('code');
$name = $this->input->post('name');
$is_active = (int) $this->input->post('is_active');
$data['status'] = 801;
$data['message'] = 'invalid nation_code';
$data['status'] = 801;
$data['message'] = 'invalid code';
$data['status'] = 802;
$data['message'] = 'invalid name';
$data['status'] = 803;
$data['message'] = 'invalid is_active';
//transaction open
//data input
$di = array();
$di['nation_code'] = $nation_code;
$di['id'] = $this->aakm->getLastId($nation_code);
$di['code'] = $code;
$di['name'] = $name;
$di['cdate'] = 'NOW()';
$di['ldate'] = 'NOW()';
$di['is_active'] = $is_active;
$res = $this->aakm->set($di);
$data['status'] = 200;
$data['message'] = 'success';
$data['data'] = $this->aakm->get();
$data['status'] = 900;
$data['message'] = 'insert data failed';
//transaction closed
//render response
public function edit($nation_code,$id){
$data = array();
$data['status'] = 549;
$data['message'] = 'one or more parameter are required';
$data['data'] = array();
$nation_code = $this->input->post('nation_code');
$data['status'] = 801;
$data['message'] = 'invalid nation_code';
$id = (int) $id;
$data['status'] = 800;
$data['message'] = 'invalid ID';
$aakm = $this->aakm->getById($nation_code,$id);
$data['status'] = 804;
$data['message'] = 'Data with supplied ID not found';
//collect input
$code = $this->input->post('code');
$name = $this->input->post('name');
$is_active = (int) $this->input->post('is_active');
$data['status'] = 801;
$data['message'] = 'invalid code';
$data['status'] = 802;
$data['message'] = 'invalid name';
$data['status'] = 803;
$data['message'] = 'invalid is_active';
//data update
$du = array();
$du['nation_code'] = $nation_code;
$du['code'] = $code;
$du['name'] = $name;
$du['ldate'] = 'NOW()';
$du['is_active'] = $is_active;
$res = $this->aakm->update($nation_code,$id,$du);
$data['status'] = 200;
$data['message'] = 'success';
$data['data'] = $this->aakm->get();
$data['status'] = 900;
$data['message'] = 'update data failed';
public function delete($nation_code,$id){
$data = array();
$data['status'] = 549;
$data['message'] = 'one or more parameter are required';
$data['data'] = array();
$nation_code = $this->input->post('nation_code');
$data['status'] = 801;
$data['message'] = 'invalid nation_code';
$id = (int) $id;
$data['status'] = 800;
$data['message'] = 'invalid ID';
$aakm = $this->aakm->getById($nation_code,$id);
$data['status'] = 804;
$data['message'] = 'Data with supplied ID not found';
$res = $this->aakm->del($nation_code,$id);
$data['status'] = 200;
$data['message'] = 'success';
$data['data'] = $this->aakm->get();
$data['status'] = 900;
$data['message'] = 'delete data failed';
Test the API
After Completed the code, we can test the code by using Postman or create own test runner.
Test apikey List
To test apikey list, you can open url directly in your browser to http://localhost/seme_framework/api/apikey/
But, for another another function you have to tested it by using runner.
Here is some example for testing API through Postman.
The test result for create data
The test result for edit data
The test result for delete data
Well done, if you facing any problem do not hestitate to open the issue on our github page.