Core Class

Seme Framework has ability for extending default class model or controller using Core Class. This core class does not refer to Seme Framework main core codes, but this is only a name for a class that extending from default one.

When do I use this?

Use this feature when you need globally available methods for each class, e.g. controller class.

Enable the Core Class

For enabling the core class, simply edit the Seme Framework Configuration files and then put the class controller file(s) inside app/core.

Editing the Configuration

Lets say, the prefix of core class is ji_ and then the core controller class is controller and the model class is model.


/* == Core Configuration == */
/* register your core class, and put it on: */
/*   - app/core/ */
/* all var $core_* value in lower case string*/
/* @var string */
$core_prefix = 'ji_';
$core_controller = 'controller';
$core_model = 'model';


The JI_Controller.php file

On this example, we will add __json_out method to JI_Controller class. Do not forget to add __construct method and index method, because they are required from SENE_Controller abstract class.

 * Main controller: contains about methods and protperties that automtically included after extending in a class
class JI_Controller extends SENE_Controller
  // required function for triggering parent class
  public function __construct()

   * Output the json formatted string
   * @param  mixed $dt input object or array
   * @return string     sting json formatted with its header
  public function __json_out($dt)
    $this->lib('sene_json_engine', 'sene_json');
    $data = array();
    if (isset($_SERVER['SEME_MEMORY_VERBOSE'])) {
        $data["memory"] = round(memory_get_usage()/1024/1024, 5)." MBytes";
    $data["status"]  = (int) $this->status;
    $data["message"] = $this->message;
    $data["data"]  = $dt;

  //required function from abstract class
  public function index(){ }

The JI_Model.php file

And then the source codes of JI_Model.php file.

class JI_Model extends SENE_Model
    public function __construct()

     * Generates encryption command
     * @param  [type] $val [description]
     * @return [type]      [description]
    public function __encrypt($val)
        return 'AES_ENCRYPT('.$this->db->esc($val).',"'.$this->db->enckey.'")';

     * Generates decryption command
     * @param  [type] $key [description]
     * @return [type]      [description]
    public function __decrypt($key)
        return 'AES_DECRYPT('.$key.',"'.$this->db->enckey.'")';