- Seme Framework
- version 4.0.3
- Requirements
- Download & Install
- Configuration
- Tutorials
- URI Routing
- Constants
- Global Variables
- Model
- View
- Controller
- cdn_url
- config
- constructor
- getAdditional
- getAdditionalBefore
- getAdditionalAfter
- getAuthor
- getCanonical
- getContentLanguage
- getDescription
- getIcon
- getJsContent
- getJsFooter
- getJsReady
- getKey
- getKeyword
- getLang
- getRobots
- getShortcutIcon
- getThemeElement
- getTitle
- input
- lib
- load
- loadCss
- loadLayout
- putThemeContent
- putJsContent
- putJsFooter
- putJsReady
- putThemeContent
- render
- resetThemeContent
- session
- setAuthor
- setCanonical
- setContentLanguage
- setDescription
- setIcon
- setKey
- setKeyword
- setLang
- setShortcutIcon
- setTheme
- setTitle
- Library
- CLI (command line interface)
- Core
- Issue
- Deployment
Where AS Method
Here is the basic usage where_as
method from $db
property on SENE_Model
Basic Usage
$this->db->where(string $column_name, mixed $filter_value [, string $operator = 'AND' [, string $relation_operator = '=' [, int $open_bracket = 0 [, int $close_bracket = 0 ]]]]): $this->db
The where_as
method is part of database class builder for filtering data compatible with WHERE Clause on SQL. This method support chained, and has flow from top to bottom while bracket are used. The difference is this method does not automatically escaped
Where AS method has 2 required parameters that is column name and value, another parameters are optional. Here is the completed parameters can be used by where methods
Column name required for filtering data from table. The columname should exist on selected table. This method has unescaped value.
Value required for matched with data on table. This method has unescaped value.
Default value is AND, this parameter useful for filtering data for multiple condition. Available value AND or OR. Value of this parameter is not case sensitive.
Value required for matched $column_name with value. Available value:
- =
- <
- >
- <=
- >=
- <>
- like
- like%
- %like
- %like%
- notlike
- notlike%
- %notlike
- %notlike%
Value of this parameter is not case sensitive.
Required for adding bracket for prioritize condition filtering, default value 0. Available value 1 and 0.
Required for adding bracket for prioritize condition filtering, default value 0. Available value 1 and 0.
Here is the basic example using where_as
method in a model class.
class Blog_Model extends SENE_Model{
var $tbl = 'd_order';
var $tbl_as = 'dor';
var $tbl2 = 'b_user';
var $tbl2_as = 'bu';
public function __construct(){
public function getNow($id){
return $this->db->get();
public function getYesterday($b_user_id){
$this->db->select("$this->tbl_as.*, $this-tbl_as.status_text",'status_text',0);
$this->db->where_as("DATE(date_order)","DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)","AND","=",0,0);
return $this->db->get();
Escaping The Value
Escaping value is required for string matching. Here is the example
Basic Where Condition
For basic usage, Seme Framework has basic where method called where method.