- Seme Framework
- version 4.0.3
- Requirements
- Download & Install
- Configuration
- Tutorials
- URI Routing
- Constants
- Global Variables
- Model
- View
- Controller
- cdn_url
- config
- constructor
- getAdditional
- getAdditionalBefore
- getAdditionalAfter
- getAuthor
- getCanonical
- getContentLanguage
- getDescription
- getIcon
- getJsContent
- getJsFooter
- getJsReady
- getKey
- getKeyword
- getLang
- getRobots
- getShortcutIcon
- getThemeElement
- getTitle
- input
- lib
- load
- loadCss
- loadLayout
- putThemeContent
- putJsContent
- putJsFooter
- putJsReady
- putThemeContent
- render
- resetThemeContent
- session
- setAuthor
- setCanonical
- setContentLanguage
- setDescription
- setIcon
- setKey
- setKeyword
- setLang
- setShortcutIcon
- setTheme
- setTitle
- Library
- CLI (command line interface)
- Core
- Issue
- Deployment
Command Line Interface
Seme Framework now supporting command line interface (CLI) for executing the framework through the CLI.
Basic Usage
Please make sure you are in same directory with root framework directory
php index.php [controller | [directory in controller [controller]]] [method] [param1] [param2]...[paramN]
In the example we will introduce how Seme Framework can be integrated with Cron Job
If you want integrating with cron job executed every 4am and want to executed method fix in class home inside api_cron directory.
0 4 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/index.php api_cron home fix
You can adjusted the /usr/bin/php
depends on your system.